MC2 – Magnifying Competitiveness
and Competences of
Green-Tech Businesses in Egypt
The Green Economy:
a promising future
for Egypt
The overall objective of the MC2 project is to empower sustainable and circular economy in Egypt and accelerate transition to UN2030 ‘SDG’ boosting the adoption of green technology-based solutions and the development of eco-innovative enterprises.

Think Tank and Hub
A National Advisory Think Tank (group of R2E enterprises) in Sustainable Business & Circular Economy will be established next to a National Green Innovation & Technopreneurship Hub, for incubation/ acceleration/ BDS.
Empowering Change Makers
MC2 aims to empower three enterprises and eight Incubated Green Tech Start-ups in sustainable energy & resource
management, as well as four R2E technological solutions serving 4-main industrial sectors with 50 Elite Generations (10 ‘SD Change-Makers’, 40 ‘Green Technopreneurs’).
E-Learning and Capacity Building
One Digital Learning Platform for Energy & Resource utilization will be launched. Further, six Capacity Building workshops will be held with two Soft-landings in Italy & Ireland.
Think Tank & Competence of SD Change-Makers
Tasks include establishing a Sustainable Business & Circular Economy Think Tank, as well as empowering Sustainable Development Change-Makers and existing environmental enterprises.
Assess industrial Sectors Energy-ressources Characteristics / Technical Challenges, proposed Solutions
The Data Gathering & Assessment Phase facilitates a Mapping Exercise. In the following phase Challenge & Solutions are identified. Further, Awareness of Energy and Ressources Utilization Savings is promoted on a continuous basis.
Establish Green Technopreneurship Hybrid Hub
After Structuring and Launching the Hub, a Upgrading & Sustainability Plan of the GTER is developed.
Incubating Potential Practices for Green Start-ups
Tasks include Designing, Launching, Evaluation, and a Call for Applications. A Incubation and Acceleration Program is established.
Build-up Capacity, Training of Green Technopreneur
4-focused workshops on R2E and 4 Gov are organised.
Develop & Continous updating eLearning Platform & Toolkit
Designing, developing and launching the Digital Green Entrepreneurship Learning ToolkitContinous Upgrading and Sustainability Plan.
Throughout the project, the consortium produces a series of relevant deliverables which are accessible for further usage.
This report is prepared as part of the T2.1 Data Gathering & Assessment Phase – Mapping Exercise and corresponds to the need for an industrial process map.
This report is part of T2.2 Identification phase and transforms the findings from D2.1 into business opportunities and further enriches them by integrating the opportunity list with EU priorities.
This document describes the basics of the Hub covering the general objectives and concrete implementation steps.
Think Tank members
These inspiring individuals form the core of the Think Tank made from local and international experts.
  • Prof. Franscesco Fatone
    Francesco Fatone is Full Professor of Chemical-Environmental Engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy). Over the last 10 years he is: International Water Association (IWA) Fellow, Leader of Circular Water Cluster in Water Europe, Doctor Honoris Causa in Environmental Engineering; Author of hundreds scientific publications (Hindex =31), coordinator or leader of more than 15 EU-funded projects, member of the board of ECOMONDO.
  • Maximilian Abouleish-Boes
    Maximilian Abouleish-Boes is born in Germany and works and lives at the SEKEM community in Egypt since 2010. He fills the role of Chief Sustainability Officer for the SEKEM initiative that integrates economic, societal, cultural and ecological life to address societal burning issues. Maximilian finished a transformative PhD program with the focus on integral human, organizational and community development at SEKEM. His current priority fields include ecosystem development, climate change mitigation and biodiversity.
  • Khaled El-Maghawry
    “Our main responsibility to constraint upon present consumption in order to ensure that future generations will inherit a resource base that is no less than ours.” Khaled Al-Maghawry holds the position of General Manager at the SEKEM Group. He leads his team dedicated to organic and Biodynamic Egyptian cotton products. Khaled Al-Maghawry started his career in the garment and fashion industry back in 1993 and has gained an extensive and holistic experience in almost all departments of the supply chain – from pattern making to retail management.
  • Omar El-Safty
    Omar El-Safty is a social entrepreneur with a passion toward culturally-driven initiatives. Graduating from Fab Academy (with MIT affiliation) and being part of Fab Lab Egypt since its early days gave him the opportunity to spearhead the organization since 2015. Then, along with Fab Lab Egypt's Co-Founders, he co-launched San3a Tech to be the parent company behind Fab Lab Egypt, San3a Hub, and other several programs and initiatives. Omar was also one of the first Egyptian Alumni who participated in the IVLP: Maker Movement program sponsored by the U.S. Embassy. Among the closest achievements to Omar's heart is leading the teams behind Maker Faire Cairo for more than 7 years.
  • Salem Massalha
    Salem Massalha is a Social Entrepreneur and Consultant. Salem is passionate about the creation of new models to resolve urgent development problems. He has long-standing experience in the field of development, where he has collaborated with many stakeholders, including Ministries, International Organizations, Foundations, local NGOs as well as the private sector. He co-founded the social start-up Bassita, which created and successfully scaled up two innovations: Clickfunding and VeryNile.
  • Federico Maria Butera
    Born in Sicily, Federico Maria Butera is an Italian academic and professor emeritus of technical environmental physics at the Politecnico di Milano. His extensive work includes his contribution to the CNR's Progetto Finalizzato Energetica and also to activities of the International Energy Agency related to the topics of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources at the building scale. He is considered among the pioneers of scientific environmentalism in Italy and the spread of sustainable architecture practices.
  • Ali Abdo
    Ali Abdo is a sustainability ambassador and environmental activist holding three world records. Ali's activities aim to raise awareness and accelerate the development process through connecting people with development efforts and Initiatives in a unique way. Ali is the founder of The Ride to COP27 and 100 Egypt initiatives. He is the first Arab to achieve a world record on a motorcycle and the First Arab to achieve a world record on an electric vehicle. With over 15 years of experience in the information technology industry.
  • Ghada Kabesh
    Ghada Kabesh is a micro, MSMEs and start-ups development, entrepreneurship, economic growth, microfinance, and financial inclusion expert with over 23 years of experience within the realms of the private sector and international development. Ghada is currently the team lead of the financial and non-financial services at the USAID – funded Sustainable Services Activity (SSA) project, where she is working closely with entrepreneurs, MSEs, start-ups, incubators, accelerators, business development services (BDS) providers as well as banking and non-banking financial institutions.
  • Mohamed El Dallal
    Mohamed El Dallal is a serial Entrepreneur currently the Co-founder and CEO of "Techne", Co-founder and CEO of "Innovideas LLC. for Marketing & Advertising”. BSc and MBA holder specialized in International Business, a researcher in the digital marketing field, currently doing his DBA specialized in Entrepreneurship. Mohamed is also an avid volunteer, participating with several NGOs, project, and youth initiatives (Global Shaper Alumni, Member of the Egyptian junior business association (EJB), Rotarian, Vice president for IEEE Entrepreneurship Global committee).

  • Rania Ayman
    Rania Ayman is the Founder and CEO of Entreprenelle – a mission-driven enterprise that strives to bridge the gender gap economically by educating, training and linking women to all economic resources possible impacting more than 50,000 women in business in more than 9 govern-rates including underprivileged areas, successfully producing more than 2000 project, formalising more than 1000. Rania has been a speaker at many highly relevant occasions (e.g. The Global Entrepreneurship Summit in India, World government summit in UAE and African Youth Conference in Kenya). She is also New Media Ambassador for the Ministry of State, Beijing +25 Task Force member.
  • Ahmed Bastawy
    Ahmed Bastawy is an innovation consultant, human-centered designer, and international development practitioner who acts as the Managing Founder of ICEALEX that is shaping entrepreneurship & innovation in Egypt. He founded Alexandria’s 1st sector-specific incubators series, and has been consulting international governments as well as architecting impact programs in more than 15 countries, in addition to mentoring and coaching startups and impact ventures.
  • Hany Ayaad

    Hany is Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management and Associated Dean for Students Affaires at the Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport “ He have obtained his Ph.D in Green Supply chain Management from Strathclyde University UK. Also Business development consultant and enthusiastic Mentor for new Startups. He was Heading the Operations Department and Business Incubator Manager. 
  • Tarek Roushdy
    Tarek Roushdy comes from the Oil & Gas Sector. He started his career as a drilling fluids engineer in the Halliburton’s affiliate, “M-I Drilling Fluids” and left the corporate in 2004 as “MENA Regional Manager” with the same company but after becoming a Schulmberger’s affiliate.
    Tarek is active in the startups ecosystem as mentor and Angel Investor with a portfolio of around 30 startups distributed over several countries with a focus on Egypt and Africa. He is part of Cairo Angels & AUC Angels (Egypt), Supporters Fund (Canada), Bioverge Network (USA) & Cross Fund Network (Singapore). He established UI Investments LLC in 2021 to manage selected startups. Tarek’s main interest now is social impact startups and paying back to the community through mentorship sessions.

  • Hani W. Naguib
    Hani is a leading Business Designer and Innovation Consultant bringing a decade of experience in preparing executives and entrepreneurs to become innovators. He specializes in designing and delivering a fun and interactive workshop experience, mentoring startup founders, and joining innovation teams to facilitate designing, prototyping, and validating customer-centric business models. His main aim is to teach entrepreneurs to learn by doing, investigate alternatives, appreciate experimental learning & value evidence over opinion. His mantra is: invest in entrepreneurs' mindsets, and a successful startup is only a matter of time.
EIS (IT), as acted for eighteen years as the private partner of Consorzio ARCA, a PPP with the University of Palermo, capitalising a previous pioneering experience of tech business incubation.
ITworx Education (EG) is a leading Egyptian company in developing intelligent learning
solutions and electronic platforms. Its team already has long experience in teaching and building capacities of Egyptian entrepreneurs.
SEKEM Foundation (EG) is the coordinator of a running EuropeAid project in Egypt (‘InnoEgypt’, 1.85 M Euro, 40 start-ups, 2017-2021).
ECITD (EG): the Egyptian Centre for innovation and technology development is a newly established SME in Egypt, with branches in Ireland and Italy as well, specialized in innovation and technology management.
SITES (IE) is an Irish enterprise working in capacity building programmes and providing innovation consultancies for techno-start-ups.
UNDP-Egypt (EG) supports Vision 2030 and will assist in matchmaking between start-ups and big enterprises.
The Methodology
The two main elements – the Think Tank and Hub – are interlinked with one and other as well as embedded in an ecosystem.
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90145 Palermo, Italy

EuropeAid Programme (ENI/2019/413-557)

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